Living on an island near the sea, has been my reference point, a reason for the encounter with myself. The Sea, The Sea .., fluid canvas The Celeste, this powerful force, fluid, constantly changing in turn generates changes in everything that surrounds it, nurturer, a witness, company. Inspiration.
Since I can remember, a blank was always the best way to approach myself. Forms, images, colors ... and words, giving me clues to where he was at all times.
In the process of creating a new work, you stand back automatically to the limited awareness of space-time. Is simplest way I know to be able to hear you know, to enter into the eternal present.
After half a lifetime devoted to the teaching of another element "fluid", as is the music, now I have chosen to expand horizons. I currently use art as "magic tool" to help other people to return to see themselves, contemplate the beauty that keep inside.
Art has become a deep meditation and committed about life and I want to be in it.
This space offers Artelista for me is a huge window through which I can share part of myself, and enjoy all the beauty that so many people contribute to our world. I feel part of one big family ... Thanks!